About Us

About us

Article I: Name and Purpose

  1. Name: The name of this organization shall be Puntland First Movement.
  2. Purpose: The purpose of the Puntland First Movement is to advance democracy,
    decentralized governance, development, equity, and sustainable progress in Puntland,
    through advocacy, capacity-building initiatives, and community engagement.

Article II: Membership

  1. Membership Criteria: Membership in the PuntlandFirst Movement is open to individuals
    who support its mission, values, and objectives. Membership shall be open to any
    individual who is from or is connected to the Puntland state of Somalia.
  2. Membership Rights and Responsibilities: Members shall have the right to participate
    in decision-making processes, attend meetings, and access resources and benefits
    offered by the Puntland First Movement. Members are expected to uphold the values and
    principles of the Movement and actively contribute to its activities and initiatives.

Article III: Governance Structure

  1. General Assembly: The highest decision-making body of the PuntlandFirst Movement shall be the General Assembly, comprising representatives from various regions and communities within Puntland. The General Assembly shall convene periodically to set goals, policies, and strategies for the Puntland First Movement.
  2. Leadership Council: The Leadership Council shall be comprised of elected representatives from regional chapters and shall serve as the intermediary between the General Assembly and the grassroots level. The Leadership Council shall oversee policy implementation and coordinate activities across different regions.
  3. Regional Chapters: Regional chapters shall be organized across Puntland and Diaspora representing specific geographical areas or communities. These chapters shall serve as the grassroots level of the Movement, addressing local issues and mobilizing support.
  4. Task Forces and Working Groups: Task forces and working groups may be formed on an ad-hoc basis to address specific issues or campaigns:
  • The Chairman shall select at least 25% of the members for each task force and working group, considering expertise, experience, and commitment to the Movement’s mission.
  • The remaining 75% of the members of each task force and working group shall be selected by the General Assembly and Leadership, ensuring representation and diversity.

Article IV: Decision-Making Process

  1. Consensus-Building: The PuntlandFirst Movement shall strive to make decisions
    through consensus-building processes, where feasible. In cases where consensus
    cannot be reached, decisions may be made by democratic vote, with each member
    having one vote.
  2. Transparency: Decision-making processes shall be transparent, with relevant
    information shared openly among members. Minutes shall be kept for all meetings, and
    decisions shall be documented and communicated to members in a timely manner.

Article V: Elections and Term Limits

  1. Election Process: Elections for leadership positions and representatives shall be
    conducted in a fair, transparent, and democratic manner. Nomination and voting
    procedures shall be established in advance, and candidates shall have the opportunity
    to present their platforms to the membership.
  2. Term Limits: Leadership positions and General Assembly members shall be subject to
    term limits to ensure turnover and promote fresh perspectives. The term limit for each
    position shall be two (2) years with the option for re-election after a hiatus.

Article VI: Amendments

  1. Amendment Process: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of
    the General Assembly. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and
    distributed to members at least one (1) week before the vote.

Article VII: Dissolution

  1. Dissolution Process: In the event of the PuntlandFirst Movement’s dissolution, any
    remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more nonprofit organizations with similar
    missions and purposes, as determined by the General Assembly.

Article VIII: Adoption

  1. Adoption of Bylaws: These bylaws shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the
    General Assembly and shall take effect immediately upon adoption.

Read PDF: PuntlandFirst Movement ByLaws

Somali Version: Sharciyadda Mudnaanta Puntland

Contact: Info@puntlandfirst.com for more information.

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