
PuntlandFirst Manifesto

PuntlandFirst is a movement dedicated to advancing democracy, development,
equity, and sustainable progress in Puntland, Somalia. Our manifesto outlines our vision,
values, goals, and principles as we strive to prioritize decentralization and development to
empower local communities.


We envision a Puntland where decentralized governance and sustainable development
are the cornerstones of progress. Our vision is of thriving communities with empowered citizens
actively participating in shaping their own destinies.


  1. Decentralization: We champion decentralization as a catalyst for local empowerment,
    governance effectiveness, and community-driven development.
  2. Development: We prioritize sustainable development that fosters economic growth, social
    progress, and environmental stewardship.
  3. Equity: We advocate for equity, ensuring that opportunities and resources are
    distributed fairly across Puntland.
  4. Democracy: We uphold the principles of democracy, transparency, and accountability as
    essential pillars of governance.
  5. Inclusivity: We embrace regional diversity and inclusivity, recognizing the strength of
    Puntland’s diverse communities.


  1. Promote Decentralization: We will advocate for policies and reforms that decentralize
    power and resources to local authorities, empowering them to address the unique needs and priorities of
    their communities.
  2. Drive Sustainable Development: We will prioritize sustainable development initiatives
    that promote economic growth, social well-being, and environmental conservation in Puntland, including
    improving healthcare infrastructure and access to quality healthcare services.
  3. Enhance Governance Effectiveness: We will work to strengthen governance institutions
    and processes at all levels, ensuring transparency, accountability, and citizen participation.
  4. Empower Local Communities: We will support capacity-building efforts and community-led
    projects that empower local communities to drive their own development agendas.
  5. Foster Collaboration: We will foster collaboration and partnerships among government,
    civil society, and the private sector to leverage collective expertise and resources for greater impact,
    including creating connections between Puntlanders at home and those in the diaspora.
  6. Advocate for Equity: We will advocate for policies and programs that address
    disparities and promote equity in access to services, opportunities, and resources across Puntland.


  1. Transparency: We are committed to transparency in our actions and decision-making
    processes, ensuring accountability to our members and stakeholders.
  2. Adaptability: We recognize the dynamic nature of development challenges and will adapt
    our strategies to effectively address emerging issues and opportunities.
  3. Resilience: We will demonstrate resilience and perseverance in the face of obstacles,
    maintaining our focus on long-term goals and objectives.
  4. Innovation: We will embrace innovation and creativity in our approaches, leveraging new
    technologies and solutions to drive positive change in Puntland.


PuntlandFirst is dedicated to putting decentralization and development at the
forefront of our efforts to build a stronger, more prosperous, and inclusive Puntland. Join us in
prioritizing the needs and aspirations of local communities and working together to realize our
vision for a brighter future for all residents of Puntland, bridging connections between
Puntlanders at home and abroad, and ensuring access to quality healthcare for all.

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